snap of us

apabila bosan melanda ^o^
apalagi snap pic la! haha =P
kena plak kami2 nie jnis gile gambar kannn
mang syokk ler hihihi =)
knon nk p mkn, mse rehat lmbat ag p kne kuar awl sbb klien nk dtg time rehat
sblom kuar lunch, yokkk kite b'gambar dlu naaa
hahaha \^o^/

tak lame da mse utk kami m'hbiskn mase b'sme2
so smntare msih lg ade mse ni
let's we treasure our time together!!
kdg2 mzt ade slisih fhm tp pedulikan itu semua!
kalau kte terlalu mngikutkan prasaan negatif smpai ble pun hidup kte xkn happy.. right??
so juz forgive n forget ^_^
da words dat will olwez bear in my mind "maen sorg2" haha

some of ur pic!!

#hope we're happy like diz forever
#will miz diz time when we're apart soon.. absolutely!! ='(

wat iz diz??!

should i?
should not??
susah btol laa bile maen dgn prasaan nihh
mudah jer membe sowg ni ckp
"lau ak kate ak xnk gnggu mang ak xkn gnggu da"
but me???
konon je ckp xnk gnggu
p ble tgk dy sdeyh je konpem2 pnye tgn ni gtaii anto msg tny knape huhu ='(
really2 hate diz feeling!
ckp xmboh pk p bnde tuhh gak la yg di pk kann
tolong la..
wake up!!
plez draw a line!
make it simple!
we're friend! only friend! not more than dat!
so then y should i hve diz kind of feeling!!
uuaarrrgghhhh \(*o*)/


stiap kali bercerita mngenai takdir
almost people mzt agree dat we juz accept it
"terimalah,, itukan takdir yg mnimpa ke atas engkau.."
takdir mmg sesuatu yg menimpa ke atas kte tnpe kte mtk perkre itu berlaku
tetapi kte xboleh mnyerah sgalanya pd takdir..
perlu berusaha dulu then baru serah pd takdir
kalau tiada usaha jgn pernah serah pd takdir
it's nonsense!
let say la.. we got exam.. but we dont prepare anythng n juz serah pd takdir
konpem2 la result down kcuali la kte nie jnis yg genius kann..
so the moral of da story
dont ever juz easily said "serah pd takdir"
#saje nk bebel hehehehe ^^


they say dat in diz world there are two kinds of happiness
first, you only realize after the moment passes
second, you feel at that very moment
the happiness dat you can feel at that moment is so PRECIOUS..
they say dat,
the memories of diz kind of happiness can stay with you and enlighten your life..
maybe we can turn today into the kind of happiness we can feel at the very moment
so dat,
we may remember diz happiness for the rest of our life..

in my life,
there is kind of happiness dat can feel at dat moment
even now we may be apart
but dat memories will olwez keep remain in my heart
we're so near yet so far
but we're still frenz, right??
even we're not talk to each other like usual
but u're olwez my frenz..
sometimes, i want to be like our old days
to be laugh together
chatting together
olwez teasing each other
argue each other
so many things we did together
how much i miss the time we spent together..

*really miz all of u*
*will the time comes when we can gather six of us again??*
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